Specializing in Appraisals
Certified Appraisals
Ray Thibodeau is a Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser. There are only 450 CMEA’s NEBB Institute Members coast to coast and Granite Heavy Equipment Sales is happy to offer this service to our clients and banks. An appraisal will offer a proven sales price and getting rid of the guessing game or a non certified person!
Briefly...Here are 20 typical reasons why you NEED to obtain a Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraisal by a Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraiser (CMEA)
- Business Valuations
- Financing (Lending, Leases, etc.)
- Buy/Sell Agreements
- Insurable Value
- Tax Purposes
- Insurance
- Cost Segregation
- Property Taxes
- Gift Planning
- Retirement Planning
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Divorce Settlements
- Estate Settlements
- SBA Loans
- Trust Agreements
- Partnerships
- 1031 Exchanges
- Litigation Support
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- FASB 141/142
- GASB 34